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Republic: Adoption of Stronger Recycling Programs and Restriction on Waste Exports

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WHEREAS:  Plastic pollution has become a critical and urgent global problem. Experts estimate 300,000 metric tonnes of plastic are polluted to the ocean from U.S. land sources every year. The global figure is 8 to 12 million tonnes and projected to increase rapidly. The environmental impacts of plastic pollution are vast, including significant harm to marine and terrestrial ecosystems and wildlife.

Plastic waste breaks down and persists in the environment, eventually accumulating in agricultural soils, water supplies, food supplies, and the human body – with as yet unknown health repercussions.  Due to heightened global awareness of the impacts of plastic pollution, restrictions on single-use plastics were implemented in 150 countries and approximately 350 U.S. municipalities through 2018.

China's “National Sword” policy, enacted in January 2018, banned import of most plastics and other materials. Without access to China’s processing capacity, many municipalities are facing crises as recyclables pile up in warehouses and are being burned or buried, instead of recycled.  The historical heavy reliance on China for processing of plastics and other recyclables also resulted in stagnation of domestic processing markets. The U.S. waste processing industry needs to step up and help to reinvigorate domestic processing, while improving outmoded recycling infrastructure.

Republic Services Inc., as second largest provider of solid waste collection, disposal, and recycling services in the U.S., is uniquely suited and has a responsibility to provide additional scaled solutions to reduce plastic waste and strengthen recycling of all recyclables in the United States.

Proponents believe far more can be done to divert plastic and other recyclable waste from landfill and to boost recycling rates. Our company processes 6 million tons of recyclable materials per year, making it one of the largest processors of recovered recyclables.  Yet overall U.S. recycling performance, especially for plastics, is a national embarrassment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data indicates the amount of plastics recycled fell from 9.1% to 8.4% from 2015 to 2017; a drop in tonnage of nearly 6%. Less than 30% of in-demand plastic PET bottles and less than 50% of highly valuable aluminum cans are recycled annually.  Is lack of advanced optical scanners and other state of the art sorting equipment at company recycling facilities a factor in declining recovery rates? How does the operating efficiency of our facilities compare with competitors? Extraordinary, unprecedented efforts are needed to develop new materials processing markets; what is the company doing to show leadership in this area?

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request the Board of Directors of Republic Services issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, discussing how the Company can increase the scale and pace of its efforts to increase plastics recovery and recycling to address environmental problems caused by plastic pollution. 

SUPPORTING STATEMENT:  In the report, shareholders suggest discussion of regional market and technical capacities for materials recovery and recycling of plastics, and any public policy, technical or collaborative opportunities to upgrade those conditions and capacities to increase plastics recovery and recycling.

Resolution Details

Company: Republic Services, Inc

Lead Filers:
As You Sow

Year: 2020

Filing Date: 
December 2019

Initiative(s): Consumer Packaging

Status: Agreement Reached, Resolution Withdrawn

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