As You Sow

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Dollar General: Reporting on Feasibility of Inclusion of Temporary Sick Leave as a Standard Benefit

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BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders of Dollar General ask the board of directors to analyze and report on the feasibility of including current COVID-related paid sick leave and the waiver of tele-health co-pays as a standard employee benefit not limited to COVID-19.

SUPPORTING STATEMENT:  The COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it precipitated have drawn the attention of the public and policy makers to the importance of paid sick leave (PSL) for workers and public health. Substantial media attention has focused on U.S. workers’ lack of access to PSL, especially in sectors with significant public contact such as retail and food service (See, e.g. Business Insider, CNNThe Atlantic, Washington Post, Quartz, NY Times. Workers without PSL risk being fired if they do not come into work despite illness, and some workers cannot afford to miss work and forego wages. PSL allows sick workers to stay home, preventing them from infecting co-workers and those with whom they would come into contact on the job. Studies show that PSL mandates adopted in the U.S. since 2007 have reduced the rate at which employees report to work ill in low-wage industries where employers do not tend to provide PSL, such as hospitality, and have lowered disease and overall absence rates.

PSL also contributes to public health by allowing workers who have been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 to quarantine, preventing further exposure. According to public health experts, PSL is cost-effective compared to the costs associated with disease spread. Some policy makers argue that PSL helps to counter the negative economic impact of the pandemic, especially for women and non-white workers, who are bearing the brunt of job loss, and that a sustainable economy depends on prioritizing safety. Finally, paid sick leave benefits companies as well as workers, the public and the economy. Companies report that bolstering paid sick leave improves morale and boosts productivity.

Policy makers are debating PSL at the federal, state and local levels. In response to the pandemic, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) required that certain employers provide paid time off for workers ill with COVID-19 or quarantined due to exposure to the virus. That law is set to expire at the end of 2020. The House-passed HEROES Act, if adopted by Congress, would fill some of the FFCRA’s significant gaps and extend its PSL requirement through 2021. State and local governments, are considering mandating, or have mandated, certain PSL for workers not covered by the FFCRA.

Dollar General adopted a policy that employees are paid for regularly scheduled shifts if they cannot work under a number of COVID scenarios. Likewise, the company has waived co-pays for telehealth services. This Proposal asks that Dollar General analyze and report to shareholders on the feasibility of making these policies permanent and extend it to cover conditions other than COVID-19.

We urge shareholders to vote for this proposal.

Resolution Details

Company:  Dollar General

Lead Filers:
As You Sow

Year: 2021

Filing Date: 
December 2020

Initiative(s): Wage Justice

Status: Resolution Withdrawn; Agreement Reached

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