Signing of the Paris Climate Agreement Confirms That Future Carbon Reductions Are Coming

Businesses Must Heed This New Economic Reality And Take Action  

Oakland, CA - This past December in Paris, over 190 countries reached an unprecedented international agreement to halt climate change, and As You Sow was there supporting strong action. Today in New York, the global push for climate action – by citizens, NGOs, shareholders, businesses, and local, state, and federal leaders, among a broad range of other actors demanding action – will be realized in the official ratification of the treaty to hold global warming at 2 degrees Celsius, or less.  

As You Sow continues to work to make this climate goal a reality by pressing companies across the country to help deliver the carbon commitments identified in the United States’ INDC. For example, As You Sow has worked with coalitions of investors representing billions of dollars in shares to encourage fossil fuel companies to address carbon risk and begin diversifying into low carbon business models. This year, As You Sow filed shareholder resolutions demanding an accounting of carbon asset risk and asking oil companies to report their assets in energy-neutral metrics rather than barrels of oil to help begin the transition away from carbon-based energy; we sought action from utilities to account for the risks of coal use; and sought better hydraulic fracturing practices, helping to make fossil fuel risk a board room discussion at the largest public energy companies in the world.  
As You Sow has also developed the Fossil Free Funds tool, which empowers investors to create climate-resilient portfolios; and has encouraged the market to dramatically increase investments in fossil-free vehicles such as green bonds. As You Sow will continue to work ceaselessly to move corporations to adapt quickly to a decarbonizing economy. Visit our website to learn more about our role in bringing about a carbon free, climate-change free future. 

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As You Sow is a nonprofit organization that promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies. For more information visit

Communications contact: 
Cyrus Nemati
(510) 735-8157
[email protected]