As You Sow

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Proxy Preview 2017

Climate change proposals continue to ask about its strategic implications and how companies will adapt to physical changes, new regulations and new technologies. They also address methane leaks from U.S. energy production and encourage more carbon tracking and goal-setting, but renewable energy proposals have been cut in half. New climate-related resolutions ask about high-carbon asset divestment and carbon finance risks. Other environmental issues include antibiotic resistance in the meat supply chain, the reduction of food waste and nanomaterials in infant formula.

Proxy Preview 2017 offers:

  • An overview of hundreds of environmental, social and sustainable governance resolutions filed for the upcoming proxy season

    1. In-depth analysis of the resolutions by co-author Heidi Welsh Executive Director of Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2)

    2. A user-friendly index of all companies with upcoming social and environmental proxy votes this season

    3. Background and resources on shareholder proposals and advocacy by dozens of proponents curated and edited by co-author Michael Passoff CEO of Proxy Impact (PI)

    4. Insights on key proposals and proxy voting from Ken Bertsch, Council of Institutional Investors, Michael Garland (Executive Director for Corporate Governance, New York City Office of the Comptroller), Tim Smith, (Director of ESG Shareowner Engagement, Walden Asset Management), As You Sow, Ceres, PAX World Investments, Center for Political Accountability, Trillium Asset Management, AFSCME, Arjuna Capital, and more

    5. A re-cap of the 2016 proxy season