Carbon Clean 200™:

Investing in a Clean Energy Future

About the Authors


Carbon Clean 200 Toby Heaps

TOBY HEAPS is the chief executive officer and co-founder of Corporate Knights. He spearheaded the first global ranking of the world’s 100 most sustainable corporations in 2005, and in 2007 coined the term “clean capitalism.” He sits on the Ashoka Canada Board and the University of Toronto’s Environment and Finance Committee. Toby has been published in the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Globe and Mail. In 1998, he played centerfield for the Yugoslav National Baseball Team.

As You Sow Andrew Behar

ANDREW BEHAR is the CEO of As You Sow. Previously, Andrew founded a clean-tech start-up developing innovative fuel cell technologies for grid-scale energy storage. He recently termed off the board of the US Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investing (US-SIF), he is on the advisory board of Real Impact Tracker and 1-Earth Institute. His book, The Shareholders Action Guide: Unleash Your Hidden Powers to Hold Corporations Accountable was published in November 2016 by Berrett-Koehler.

Corporate Knights The Voice for Clean Capitalism logo

ABOUT CORPORATE KNIGHTS: Founded in 2002, Corporate Knights seeks to provide information that empowers people to harness markets for a better world. The company has a media and research division, which includes the award-winning business and society magazine Corporate Knights. The research division produces corporate rankings, research reports and financial product ratings based on corporate sustainability performance. In June 2013, Corporate Knights was named Magazine of the Year by Canada’s National Magazine Awards Foundation.

As You Sow logo

ABOUT AS YOU SOW®: Founded in 1992, As You Sow promotes environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies. Our efforts create large-scale systemic change by establishing sustainable and equitable corporate practices. As You Sow was founded on the belief that many environmental and human rights issues can be resolved by increased corporate responsibility. As investor representatives, we communicate directly with corporate executives to collaboratively develop and implement business models that reduce risk, benefit brand reputation, and protect long-term shareholder value while simultaneously bringing about positive change for the environment and human rights.


Sponsors: This report was made possible by the generous support of (alphabetically): Argosy Foundation, Arkay Foundation, Arntz Family Foundation, Firedoll Foundation, Amanda Hanley Foundation, Manaaki Foundation, Jesse Smith Noyes Foundation, The Roddenberry Foundation, Singing Field Foundation, and the Thornton Foundation.

Acknowledgements: The 2021 Clean200 report was made possible by the contributions of (alphabetically): Greg Barbosa, Jill Courtenay, Danielle Fugere, Erin Gardhouse, Alison Kendrick, Jess Marie Larrain, Andrew Montes, Jenna Murphy, John Opet, Sanket Sharma, Wendy Shen-Juarez, Stefanie Spear, Chris St Prince, Adria Vasil, and Laura Väyrynen.