Posts tagged Berkshire Hathaway Inc
Berkshire Hathaway Inc: Disclosure of Key Diversity and Inclusion Metrics

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (Berkshire) report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The report should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and provide transparency on outcomes, using quantitative metrics for workforce diversity, hiring, promotion, and retention of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity.

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Berkshire Hathaway Inc: Disclose and Reduce GHG Emissions From Underwriting, Insuring, and Investment Activities Aligned with Net Zero

BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that Berkshire issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, disclosing how it intends to measure, disclose, and reduce the GHG emissions associated with its underwriting, insuring, and investment activities in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5oC goal.

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Berkshire Hathaway Inc: Disclose and Reduce GHG Emissions From Underwriting, Insuring, and Investment Activities Aligned with Net Zero

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Berkshire issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, addressing if and how it intends to measure, disclose, and reduce the GHG emissions associated with its underwriting, insuring, and investment activities in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5oC goal, requiring net zero emissions.

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Berkshire Hathaway Inc: Greater Disclosure of Material Corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Data

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (“Berkshire”) report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The report should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and provide transparency on outcomes, using quantitative metrics for hiring, retention, and promotion of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity.

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