BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that XPO issue near and long-term science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s ambition of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 ºC and summarize plans to achieve them.
Read MoreBE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Targa issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, disclosing how the Company intends to reduce its full range of Scope 1 and 2 operational greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s goals.
Read MoreBE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board disclose how Saia intends to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with interim and long-term climate targets aligned with the Paris Agreement.
Read MoreBE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board disclose how Ryder intends to reduce its operational and value chain greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with interim and long-term Paris-aligned climate targets.
Read MoreBE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board issue interim- and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal requiring Net Zero emissions by 2050.
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